Nonprofit organizations serving New Hanover County, with projects that will deliver strong results and solid impact in the area of Environment, are encouraged to apply for a 2024 grant. WIN's 2024 Letter of Intent is available from January 12th, 2024 until noon on March 08th, 2024.
WIN grants typically range from $2,500 to $25,000. Projects or programs requesting funding at the higher end of this scale are expected to demonstrate greater measurable impact and a strong commitment to building organizational capacity for the future. WIN also values collaborative proposals with other area non-profits, as these often benefit a wider, more diverse population.
WIN uses our Grounded Giving statement as a guideline for choosing grantees. Potential grantees are encouraged to read this important, foundational document.
The Basics:
Every year, WIN makes several grants to nonprofits in New Hanover County for projects focused on a specific Area of Giving. WIN’s Area of Giving topics rotate in a four-year cycle among:
Arts & Culture (2025)
Education (2026)
Health and Wellness (2027)
The Grants Committee narrows the applicants down to a few finalists. Members then vote on those finalists.
The 2024 WIN Area of Giving Environment
Key Dates for the 2024 Grant Cycle:
January 12, 2024: Letter of Intent available online
March 08, 2024:Letters of Intent due
March 29, 2024: Applications requested from selected potential grantees
April 12, 2024: Applications due from selected potential grantees
April 30-May 02, 2024 (exact date tbd): Interviews of potential grantees
Early May: WIN members vote for final grantees
May 13, 2024: Grant recipients are notified
May 16, 2024: Grant recipients are announced to the membership and honored at
WIN's Annual Grantee Celebration
Grants Committee Chair: Amy Horgan
The Grant Cycle:
The WIN grant cycle begins in October of each year, when WIN publicizes the specific Area of Giving topic for that year’s grants.
From October through February, WIN organizes events aimed at educating WIN members on the current Area of Giving topic and the needs and resources of our community specific to that topic. Events can include a panel discussion comprised of local experts, small group discussions, film screenings, field trips, etc.
In early January, potential grantees are invited to submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) which describes their proposed project(s) that relate to the year’s Area of Giving topic. Potential grantees must be certified 501(c)(3) organizations, must not promote nor require any political or religious views or actions, and must operate in and serve New Hanover County. The LOIs are due in early March.
Once the LOIs are received, any potential conflicts of interest amongst the grant committee members are flagged and reviewed: members with conflicts are recused as necessary.
Grants Committee members review and score the LOIs based on the proposed project’s relevance to WIN’s Grounded Giving statement and WIN members’ feedback on areas of highest interest. By late March, those non-profits with the strongest submissions are asked to complete a more comprehensive Grant Application. Grant Applications are due in early/mid April.
The Grant Applications are rigorously reviewed, vetted and evaluated by the grant committee.
• Grant finalists are invited to a Q&A session with the Grants committee: All WIN Members are also encouraged to attend. The Grant Committee then meets a final time and identifies the recommended grant recipients which are then submitted to the WIN membership for a final vote.
Grant recipients are notified in mid May, and invited to the WIN Annual Grantee Celebration in mid-May.
Read about WIN's Previous Grant Recipients